Call for Posters - International Conference "Urbs in transitum"

The Parco archeologico di Ostia antica, the University of Graz and the Universities of Louvain and Namur are organising, in collaboration with the Austrian Historical Institute and the Academia Belgica, an International Conference on 4-5-6-7 October 2023, entitled "Urbs in transitum. Innovation and tradition between Rome and Ostia in the 3rd century" dedicated to the analysis and in-depth study of the dynamics of the transformation of Ostia and Portus during the 3rd century, declined in their various aspects (historical, social, economic, productive, building, artistic) in relation to Rome.

As part of the conference, a poster session will be organised in which contributions on the following topics will be presented:
1. The city and the ports
2. Topography of urban and suburban spaces
3. Architecture and technology: constructing, recycling, transforming
4. Mosaics, paintings and sculptures
5. Production and circulation

Posters may deal with general or specific aspects concerning Rome, Ostia, Portus and their respective territories
during the 3rd century and may be written in one of the conference languages (Italian and English).
Proposals should be formulated by filling in the attached participation form and should indicate:
- the name of the author(s), with their e-mail address and affiliation;
- an abstract of the proposal in one of the conference languages (Italian, English), of a maximum length of 200 words;
- the relevant thematic section;
- the language chosen for the text;
- modes of participation (in-person or remote).
Participation forms, in both .docx and .pdf format, must be sent to the Organising Committee by writing to by 15 September 2023.

Posters must be sent to the Organising Committee in .pdf format by 1 October 2023 and will be published online on the opening day of the conference (4 October). Poster submission after the deadline will result in automatic exclusion from the conference and subsequent publication.
The posters will be presented in a special session, to be held at the Ostia Antica Archaeological Park on 7 October, during which the authors will illustrate the content of their contributions and answer the questions from the audience. Remote participation is possible.


Download [doc 3346]